Applications are now open for the Dukes’ Club Executive committee! We are looking for keen colorectal trainees to work with our committee  from September 2024-September 2025. The committee roles are described within the constitution-

The posts available for election include:

  • Secretary
  • Abdominal Wall representative
  • Advanced cancer and peritoneal malignancy representative
  • Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) representative
  • Education and Training representative
  • Emergency General Surgery (EGS) representative
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Intestinal Failure (IF) representative
  • JAG and Colonoscopy representative
  • Research and Audit representative
  • The Pelvic Floor Society representative
  • Procotology representative
  • Webmaster and Social Media Representative

Applications for more than one post are acceptable. All applications will be anonymised and put to the membership to vote after 2/10/2024. Voting will remain open until 16/10/2024 midnight.

To be eligible, applicants must be:

  • Training grade doctor
  • Dukes’ Club / ACPGBI Associate Member

To apply, please send the following details to

  • Name, ACPGBI Membership number, contact details including email & phone number
  • 200-word anonymous personal statement. This should include your vision for the role and may include skills, attributes, previous experience, etc.

All applications will be reviewed centrally by the Dukes’ Club Secretary to ensure adherence to requirements. Applications will be anonymised by removal of all personal identifiers (name, email address, ACPGBI membership number).

For any further enquiries please email