To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Women in Surgery Network, The Dukes’ Club invited nominations for innovative, inspiring and influential female colorectal surgeons.
Below are nominations received from our members.

Ann Lowry
A leader in colorectal surgery who has broken many glass ceilings, and is a role model to many women and men in the specialty.

Asha Senapati
Mentor to many women in surgery. Strong research portfolio.

Cat Boereboom
Helped to deliver a great first year for the Early Years Consultant Network.

Christine Hall
Recently retired after a 30 year career. Cared nothing for fame or reputation but absolutely everything for the care of her patients.

Clare McNaught
Enthusiastic trainer and mentor. Honorary Secretary Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh.

Debbie McNamara
Consultant colorectal surgeon with a special interest in gender diversity in surgery. A great teacher and mentor.

Deborah Keller
A hard-working star, setting the example for female surgeons.

Deena Harji
An outstanding surgical leader, dedicated to embracing new technology and to lifting others as they climb.

Deirdre Nally
An inspiring and influential colorectal surgeon. President of ASiT.

Elizabeth Tweedle
Talented surgeon with many leadership skills. Keen on training and involving trainees in clinical research.

Erin King-Mullins
An outstanding role model and advocate for women surgeons, especially during the COVID pandemic.

Gabriela Möslein
Hugely respected and influential. General Secretary of ESCP.

Gill Tierney
Measured and illuminating with drive and enthusiasm. Makes you believe that you too can achieve great things, with hard work, integrity and honesty.

Helen MacRae
Leader in minimally invasive surgery for inflammatory bowel disease for over 20 years. Has advanced surgical education knowledge globally.

Helen Mohan
Brilliant peer mentor. Calm, balanced and extremely thoughtful. Phenomenal work for training through ASiT.

Ioanna Panagiotopoulou
Passionate about patient care and a strong advocate for her patients and trainees.

Itzel Vela Sarmiento
A referent in her field of oncologic surgery. Worked on the transition of GI cancer surgical treatment from open to MIS at her institute.

Karen Telford
The ‘Queen of Pelvic Floor’. Developed the Pelvic Floor Service at Wythenshawe Hospital over 15 years to make it a world leading service.

Kate Hancorn
An inspirational bespoke colorectal and trauma consultant surgeon. Delivers excellent teaching.

Katie Adams
Worked hard to deliver a great first year for the Early Years Consultant Network.

Kim Gorissen
A colleague, mentor and role model, and also an excellent clinician.

Kirsten Boyle
A phenomenal mentor generous with her time to trainees and juniors.

Laura Hancock
Instrumental in leading research and improving outcomes for IBD patients regionally and nationally.

Nelya Melnitchouk
A champion clinician and researcher. Set up the peritoneal malignancy and research fellowship programmes at her hospital.

Nicola Fearnhead
Impressive role model for women aspiring to leadership roles in surgery. Advocate of collaboration in clinical research.

Nikola Henderson
Strong, assertive and extremely talented female surgeon

Robin McLeod
Phenomenal achievements throughout every step of her career.

Sanna Elgaddal
Highly technical general surgeon with exemplary compassion and clinical acumen.

Sarah Addison
Strong, determined surgeon who has patients at the centre of her practice and excels in teaching, mentoring and leading.

Sarah Duff
Excellent surgeon. Great academic. Fantastic teacher and guide. Fabulous as leader and a role model.

Sarah Mills
Excellent surgeon, endoscopist and an excellent trainer. Everything is in her stride.

Sarah O’Dwyer
A true trailblazer. Pioneered surgical treatment for peritoneal tumours in the UK and beyond.

Sue Clark
Inspirational and supremely focussed on patient care. Dedicated to training the next generations of surgeons and furthering her speciality.

Susan Moug
Highly conscientious surgeon with impressive research CV. Altruistically gives students and trainees opportunities to flourish and excel.

Tracy Hull
A master surgeon and valued mentor who has held almost every leadership position in US colorectal surgery.